Have you noticed those people who look like they have it all figured out? You know, the people who never seem to let life get them down and always have a smile or a good word to offer? They always seem to roll with whatever punches life brings, landing on their feet. Ever wondered how they managed it day in and day out?
Alternatively, I have also noticed and met many people in my life, who always seem to be down. They see themselves as never getting the breaks in life other people do. They often don't have anything positive to say about anything to anyone. I think the difference in part, can be found in how they deal with the emotions that come with life.
How we were taught to care for our emotions as a child, can influence how we deal with them now as adults. Think back to your childhood, how were you encouraged and supported to deal with your emotions? Maybe you remember falling from your bike and your Mom or Dad coming to pick you up, kissing your boo-boos. Maybe your Mom would give you a cookie, or a hug and cuddle. Maybe Dad would say shake it off kiddo and get back at it and try again. Maybe you had a favourite stuffed animal that listened to your woes, never making judgement, always with unconditional love. Maybe you wrote your feelings down in a diary. In those moments, you learned to care for your emotions.
Some of our soothing techniques as adults, are grown-up versions of what we did as a child to soothe ourselves. There are things that as a child you found comforting, such as your favourite childhood meal, that you may still eat today as comfort food. As an adult, you will probably have other things that you also find soothing and comforting. Take the time to consider what calms and soothes you. Is it a hug? A good cry? A power walk to gather your thoughts? However you choose to deal with your emotions, it should be done for your benefit, to empower and encourage you, not to keep you down.
How we deal with our emotions are the things we say to ourselves too. How we talk to ourselves can be helpful or it can be damaging. If you respond to the negative emotions with negative comments about yourself and your situation, it stays negative. If you keep repeating all the negative that you believe your life to be, your emotions will remain negative too. When you catch yourself exploring the negative, take the time to explore the positives too. Both sides deserve equal thought in the argument of your life's worth.
Our emotions can be nurtured when we learn to care for them and understand them. When feeling down, it's important not to kick ourselves further into the hole. It is important to remind ourselves of what is positive in our lives. When we talk to ourselves in a loving and encouraging manner, we can see beyond the moment of negativity.
The emotions that come with life are unavoidable. How we choose to deal with them however, is within our abilities. How will you choose to nurture yours?
take good care of you okay?