Medications are a personal choice...but if you feel spun right round from taking them...are they helping you?
If your medications come with more side-effects than benefits...are they helping you?
Some say they can't live without their medications yet can't live with the side-effects either. It's a hard choice for some to is your choice.
Your doctor will only prescribe medications he/she feels the benefits out weight the risks...but the choice is yours. You are the one living with the's your life that is impacted by the's your choice.
But...pharmaceutical medications are not the only choice. Have you explored the various alternative ways you can manage your pain outside of a pill bottle? If you haven't...give thought to what else you could you try to help manage your pain...have you explored all the options available to address and soothe your needs? Again...the choice is yours...but just know that there are more options than a pill bottle okay?
If you're feeling spun right round from your medications it time for a different choice?
take good care of you okay?