- educate yourself on all treatment options for your pain and explore them fully - education is your biggest advantage to gaining control of your pain
- challenge your thoughts and beliefs about your pain and your life with pain - challenge what you believe to be true about your life and your abilities
- do things that make you feel good - taking care of your emotional, mental and physical needs
- don't invite the negative thoughts to stay and don't give them the power to control your world and how you feel about yourself
- learn strategies to calm the rage in your body
- don't lose your sense of humour - being able to laugh at life is one of the greatest things sometimes - laugh often
- incorporate healthy life-style choices in your life - eat well and get your exercise
- live for your dreams and goals instead of being kept on the sidelines of life by your pain
- be gentle, loving and encouraging when you talk with yourself - words hurt and leave bruises we cannot see but last a long time - even the words we say to ourselves
- be active in your life - challenge your limitations and live in your abilities
- get some sleep - you probably need it
take good care of you