Have you ever felt stuck? Are you stuck now?
I've been stuck...stuck watching everyone else move on with their lives while mine seemed to crash and burn around me...feeling like I'm deep in a hole I can't climb out of...I've been there.
I think to be stuck is human and you don't have to live with PTSD either. Feelings like depression and anxiety can make us feel like this too at times.
What do you do when you feel stuck? What words do you use when you are? Who do you turn to? Do you know why you're stuck? A lot of questions I know but please give them thought okay? Before you can dig yourself out you need to know why you're there and you'll need a plan to get you back out again. And you will. It may take time...but you can do it.
What causes you to feel stuck? What is in your control to change? and...What can you do now moving forward to change things?
Once you have an understanding of these questions you can move forward. It's not always easy to know the exact cause of why we're stuck...it could be just a feeling of being "off" for a while...it could be something specific that dropped you hard...but when we can learn to identify the cause...we can learn to identify what is in our control and what isn't.
When we're able to learn to let go the things we cannot change and grab a hold of the things we can...we can become more active in our lives and where it's going. We can't change the past...it's already happened...but we can take what we've learned and we can make a better future moving forward.
What do you do when you feel stuck? Do you hide? Do you hurt yourself? Do you talk with love and encouragement to yourself? What do you do?
When we're stuck...how we handle it is paramount! Our copings skills can help us through this but we need to use them. The words we say to ourselves needs to be loving and encouraging...healing and accepting. Words have power.
What coping skills do you have and are they enough? Are they positive? negative? do they leave scars behind? Are some of them portable?
The coping skills we use may work one day and not the next. They can work for months on end and then poof! all of a sudden...they don't work for you. The more things in your life you can turn to that soothe you emotionally, mentally, and physically...the more choices you have when you need. It's important too that some of them be portable...things you can carry with you when you're triggered and not at home.
Ideas for portable coping skills...
- music and headphones
- a picture of a calming memory you can mediate with
- gum, candy, mints, chocolate
- something small that you can touch and hold that comforts you
- notes to yourself with positive reminders and affirmations
Make a plan Stan...moving forward and out of the hole requires a plan...steps you can take to dig yourself out...the people you can call and depend on to help pull you out...what can you do now? What can you do for you moving forward and who will help you do it?
Stock up on the coping skills...the more you have...the more to choose from...gather your support group and let them know what you need from them...reach out to your doctor to okay? They can help with outside support when you're ready and it's okay to need professional help or even counselling. Sometimes getting stuck needs more help than we're capable of to get on our own.
Being stuck is a human thing in life and it can be hard to dig ourselves out at times too but we can do it! The more we know about what causes us to get stuck...the more we care for ourselves while we are...and when we reach out for help...we can make it easier to get out the next time.
To get stuck is human...to need help is human too. Take good care of you okay?
meme found at PSTD Break the Silence