what is it saying? Did it start talking when you read this? Mine did.
We all have one...that inner voice that speaks to us. Sometimes it talks nicely and sometimes it screams at you doesn't it? Yeah...mine does too.
Sometimes that inner voice isn't always so nice and the things it says aren't always the truth either, but when it starts talking...it's hard to ignore isn't it? Yeah it can be.
What does your voice say to you?
What does your inner dialogue sound like?
Does it speak with kindness or condemnation?
At times our inner dialogue is just a regurgitated version of someone else's opinion and it's impacted by the way we feel, how we're thinking at the time and by what's going on around us. Our inner voice isn't always reliable either in my opinion. It can be easily influenced by others...including ourselves and our emotions too.
Our inner voice is a combination of our past, our present, and our future. When your inner dialogue is carrying on...where are you? Are you reminded of your past mistakes? Are you reminded of your strengths? Are you reminded of all the effort you're making to move forward? Where does your inner voice go when it starts talking? Is your inner voice living in the past or is it helping you to achieve your future?
Our inner voice can be both the angel and the devil on our shoulders...have you noticed that? It talks loudly of the things we've experienced, and it's coloured by our thoughts and our feelings....both the good and the bad. When the voice is negative...we need to have an argument with ourselves. We need to be able to recognize when our inner dialogue is not healthy and we need to make an effort to change the tape that's playing in our heads to something we need to hear that will support and encourage us instead.
Our inner voice is a part of who we are and we can't hide from it. It's where we've been and where we're going and only we know where it goes and only we know what it sounds like. Our inner dialogue is a running commentary on our thoughts on life, others and ourselves, and it's something we can change. When it starts taking you down the rabbit hole, it's important that you're able to recognize that and change your thoughts. Use your inner voice to empower your growth and your journey through life.
We can change the tape that plays in our heads and we can direct our thoughts and it's up to us to make the choice to make the change to what we will listen to moving forward. We aren't where we were and we are not who we were either...and we need to remember that. We're moving forward!
Don't let your inner voice bring you down...use it instead to bring you up.
Take good care of you okay?