There's a saying...."winners never quit and quitters never win"....and I say....that's wrong! because when we quit...we can win this one. Yes! we can win even when we quit.
So what am I quitting? well...
I QUIT.....
being hard on myself when I can't do all the chores I used to be able to do and how I used to be able to do them - now I take breaks when I need and if the laundry has to sit in the basket for a few days (or even the dryer) that's okay! I'll get to it when I get to it (same goes for the dishes too)
telling myself that I am burden to my family when I need help - we all need help some days and there are days too when we're the ones giving the help - life is about give and take and it's about helping each other through, supporting and caring for one another - needing help does not make us makes us human
allowing the thoughts and opinions of others to impact how I feel about myself - if you don't like me? that's okay! because I love and accept me and that's what matters - if you don't understand and/or believe I'm hurting? that's okay! I have nothing to prove to anyone - my life is mine and I live it for me doing the best I can each and every day...period!
playing the "what if game" - what if I never got hurt? what would my life be like now? truth is? I did get hurt and I can't change that and yes my life did change (drastically)....BUT....playing that game only keeps me stuck and it prevents me from finding the beauty that is still in my life - a hurting life is still a life worth living! and it's the only one I'm going to get so I'm going to make it count
being embarrassed because I no longer have my career - I am not what I do for a living - I am not how much money I make or don't make - I am more than my job - my job does not and did not define me as a's just something I did for money....but it's not me - I am so much more than that
denying myself the things I need to help me, to make me feel good, to soothe and nurture my soul - and I won't feel guilty for doing what I need for me because if I don't do it? who will? - when I take the time I need for me when I need gives me the energy to do what I can for others - it's a balance and I won't ignore myself any longer (and I won't leave scars behind anymore either)
beating myself up for the mistakes I've made in life - I've made them and when I could I've also apologized - I own who I am and all that I do and I accept that I will make a few more mistakes as I go on in life - but my mistakes have helped me to learn and to grow - I am not always proud of my actions but I have learned to forgive myself and I promise myself to do better when I can
hating myself for all that I am not anymore and for all the things I am now because of my injury - I am more than I give myself credit for some days and I'm stronger than I believe - I've come a long way in life and I'll go further still....but I can't do that hating myself - I have to accept me for all that I am now if I'm to move forward
replaying all the negative things I've heard in my life...the voice track in my head is MINE! and the tune is changing! my thoughts matter and they're very instead of beating myself up with them, I'm going to help myself instead
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