The ABC's of changing behaviours are:
A – antecedent – what is happening in the physical environment to cause the behaviour - antecedents can also be your triggers
B – behaviour – what is the observed behaviour
C – consequence – what is the consequence of the behaviour – is it positive or negative?
If you can understand the ABC's of a behaviour, you can change it. But before you go changing behaviours take a minute first to see if there is something in your environment that is causing the behaviour. Sometimes simply removing the antecedent will remove the behaviour. Changing how the antecedent occurs may also remove the behaviour
Remember first and foremost our behaviours are in response to the perceived antecedents in our lives.
Before changing any behaviour please also consider the following. It will help you to decide if the behaviour is in need of changing and why.
- Has a doctor or other health care professional been consulted with to determine if there is a physical reason for why the behaviour may be occurring?
- Has a doctor or other health care professional recommended you begin to change certain behaviour patterns? Or to implement others into your life-style or environment?
- Are you ready to devote the time and energy necessary to ensure the success of your efforts?
- Do you have “significant others” willing to assist you and support you through your choices?
- Are you prepared to deal with the influences of others, good or bad?
- What purpose does the behaviour serve?
- Is the consequence of the behaviour positive, negative or a positive disguised as a negative?
- Be open to that some changes to the antecedent may be required.Please keep in mind that when removing a negative behaviour it is very important that you replace it with a positive and rewarding behaviour This will help you to keep from falling back into your old habits. The more you use positive behaviours in life, the more rewarding and easier it will come to you.
Changing behaviours learned over a life-time is a challenge. But I would challenge you to consider this....If the behaviour is not serving a beneficial purpose in your life and it is keeping you from moving forward....what have you got to lose by changing it into something that is a positive instead?
take good care of you