In the beginning you may notice that you're isolating yourself more and more, only going out when you have to.
As you're isolated more...even having thoughts of a shower so that you can go out can cause feelings of anxiety.
You debate whether you should even go...
You go through a long list of reasoning's usually all for why you should stay home...
You may even talk yourself in and out of plans constantly...but the fear wins.
Does this sound familiar to you? Does just the thought, of a crowd or a busy loud mall give you feelings of panic? Me too sometimes. What else causes this feeling for you and when you're feeling this way...what do you do for you?
Now there are many people who experience a milder form of agoraphobia and there are people who's lives are ruled by this level of anxiety. There is help to beat it but it takes professional help from a qualified psychiatrist and it takes your patience too. It will take time to fully understand why you're isolating yourself and where your fear is rooted. Having coping skills will help you too as you begin to take the steps to facing this.
It's a long road for some, but living with this level of anxiety is exhausting and it keeps us from living. Learning to understand what causes you to have these thoughts, and learning new ways to manage them are possible with time, patience and work.
If you're finding your fear keeps you home and keeps you isolated...please talk to your doctor and/or treatment team. There are options when you're ready.
take good care of you okay?
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