Are you sleeping? Are you eating normally? yeah I know it's the holiday season and treats are everywhere... but are you eating the good stuff too? How are you feeling physically? mentally? emotionally? Have you needed to use your coping skills yet? What helps to soothe you? Did you crack a little? It's okay if you did...the holidays can be a little stressful sometimes.
But I do hope too that you're smiling from the memories made...even if you're feeling a little burnt out. It's been a busy few days and it will be busy for a few more days to come as we bring in a brand new year. If you're still sure to take the time as you need it to soothe and care for your needs as you go about your holiday plans. Bring along your coping skills and enjoy the rest of your holiday.
And if you didn't celebrate Christmas? Or you celebrate something else...I hope all this holiday drama hasn't driven you nuts and you did something for you to help you through it.
No matter the matter if it's a holiday or's up to us to take the time to soothe prepare for our needs and to care for them as we need. I hope you're taking good care of you.
Happy Boxing Day