I think this exercise goes to show how powerful our thoughts can be and how we can use our minds energies to help our pain when we feel it. Now you may find that it doesn't work at first and that is okay. Just like all meditation and mindful exercises you may try, practice is needed. This exercise requires your patience and an openness to try something new and different. It is a visualization exercise and one you may find of benefit....
When you close your eyes what you do you see? Some would say nothing, some may say they see the activity of their brain in the blackness of their eye lids, and some may even say they see colours. It's interesting to hear what people say when you ask this question....What do you see?
While your eyes are closed, picture a white box in your mind. Focus on a small white box and keep thinking about it till it appears in your mind's eye. Once you get comfortable with this exercise you will be able to turn the box around, opening and closing the lid...but for now....just practice picturing the white box.
When you can see the white box in your minds eye, picture a hand next to it. Can you see the hand beside the box? It may be on top, or near the bottom of the box. Can you see it?
Now picture that hand reaching into your body where you are feeling your pain. Let the hand explore your body, taking your pain away and putting it in the white box. Each time the hand takes away a piece of your pain, your body relaxes even more....you can see your pain go in the box...its the blackness you see and feel.
Keep repeating this step until you have sent the hand after each part in your body where you are hurting....when your pain is in the box...put the lid on the box....now here is the best part of the exercise for me....
GIVE THE BOX AWAY!...that's right...give it away...give it to someone you believe is strong enough to take it from you....someone who will know what to do with your pain. You don't have to have someone in mind really...you can just say to yourself "I'm giving you away" as you picture yourself handing off your box of pain.
This visualization exercise may take time for you to master and undoubtedly it will need practice until you can just close your eyes and call the box to mind, but don't give up. The benefits of visualization for relaxation are real but it does need your practice and your openness to learn and try.
This may need practice....BUT....there are no side-effects....that I can promise you.
take good care of you