But what if our past could be of use? We all have a past right? The culmination of our past is our today. It is our present. What if we were to use our past as a spring board to our future? What if where we were could motivate us to go to where we want to be?
You already know where you've been. You know where you are. You have thoughts on where you would like to be. Use your past to get you to your future. Take everything you have learned about who you truly are and build a better future. Use your past to motivate the changes you need for where you want to be.
For everything you have survived in your past has made you the strong person you are today. Believe it! Build on all that you have survived and keep surviving...keep living.
Our past is useful when we view it as where we no longer want to be. To use the past to motivate future changes is to use the hurt you've been through and grow. Celebrate all that you are and all that you have endured. Let your past motivate life changes...not haunt you into hiding from life.
take good care of you