I took the past two days off from the website and I've been almost absent from the Facebook page too...I do apologize but I needed some time for me to do the things I need. I'd like to say I'm feeling better but I would be lying. I am trying though and that's all I can do for now. I know eventually this period will pass and I will be smiling again...I just have to hang in there.
I'm doing what I can to help me through and I've even thrown myself a rocking F&%K the World party too. I've turned to my music, to my writing, to thoughts of days spent on the beach...I've used my coping skills. I've had to have some serious chats with my thoughts and I've had to put them in a time out too (they haven't been very nice lately).
I'm doing what I can for me and that means I'm not here much. I do appreciate your understanding and your support too. I nag you guys all the time to do what you need as you need it for you and to not feel guilty about it. (I'm trying to follow my own advice here).
thank you for the kind words and messages left on the Facebook page! every one of them felt like a hug and I've been needing that. THANK YOU!
take good care of you eh? and thank you for being here!