I know I'm safe and in good hands and my doc is the best Head & Neck surgeon...but my fears of "what if" have me playing the game again. I'm worried about the after affects of having the lump removed. My thoughts are going to what I'll be like afterwards. My thoughts are rapid and they're not helping me much. I've had to stop myself several times and to have a good long talk with me too. I'm worried about the things I can't control.
Many of you have left some very thoughtful messages on the FB page and I do appreciate that! Each have felt like a hug and they are greatly needed. Thank you! I'm going to miss doing this every morning and "talking" with you too but I will be back.
If I could before I go...I'd like to ask somethings of you...
please...take some time each and every day to appreciate the life you have..the things you're able to do and those you have to share life with
please...take some time each day to do the things that make you smile...to make you feel good...the things that help you to live beyond your pain...soothe and care for your needs
please...take good care of you