When I'm at the water's edge...I feel a peacefulness that comes over me. A calming to the chaos that is me.
When I need to re-focus myself, my thoughts immediately go to the beach...I can visualize the sand and the surf...I can hear the birds calling...and I can even feel the warmth of the sun on my body. It's a pure feel good thing for me.
Today I am heading to the beach with some friends and I'm looking forward to going. I need a day like this to bring me back and to soothe me.
I hope you've had a good long weekend and that you've made some time for you...for your needs...to make you feel good...something just for you. It doesn't have to be a trip to the beach or any grand outing...it can be your favourite book, snack, song, or movie...it can be anything really. The only thing I ask is that whatever you do...it helps you to live beyond your pain...that it soothes your aches emotionally, mentally and physically...it makes you feel good to be you.
What does that for you in your life? Now please? GO DO IT!
take good care of you eh?