Have you played this game with yourself? Have you invited others to play with you? Who won? You or your fear?
Admit it now...you've played the "what if" game because you're scared. It's okay...I've played it too when my fear came knocking. It's a human thing....to step out of our comfy lives and do something different...to be scared and wonder "what if".
The "what if" game is just as useless as the "if only" game, especially when it prevents us from moving forward, from accepting our lives and from accepting ourselves. It's a limiting game with no winner. Have you ever played the "what if" game? Who won?
So what if you fell? what happened the last time you fell? you got up right? well if you fall again doing something you like..get up! just like you have every other time..maybe even crack a joke that it's the first day with your new legs...we fall...we get up...we go on.
So what if you hurt more? did you enjoy doing what you did? is a little more pain worth it to do something that makes smile and enjoy your life? yes! it is...you're living your life for you and not your pain. Your pain will have less control in your life when you live your life for you doing what makes you feel good...even if it causes a little more pain...you're smiling for doing what you like.
So what if....there will be times you will fall...and there will be times you will hurt more...but to live your life wondering "what if..." are you really living? What if you gave it a chance? What if you make changes in your life to better yourself? What if you started thinking differently? If you're going to play the "what if" game...use it to motivate positive life changes and choices instead of keeping you static living in fear...it's your choice.
take good care of you eh?