You may also notice that what you do one day is added to the activities of the next day and so and so on. So by Friday, the pain you are feeling is five days worth of your activities. Pain accumulates which can make the pain worse.
Take the time to rest, to heal, and to nurture your coping skills. Relaxation and meditation may help soothe the rage of a long week. Find the things that are soothing and calming for you during this time and most of all....take care of your needs.
Being able to accept that pain is unpredictable also releases the control pain can have on our lives. We will feel pain every day we know that and we will feel it during the times when we least want to feel it. That's chronic pain.
So when we feel our abilities slide, it is so important for us to take the time to care for our needs. When we take the time to nurture our needs we are also more capable to deal with a life with pain and what each day brings. Be a stronger you and take care of your needs. Be mindful of your pain behaviours too. You aren't the only experiencing the down days.
take good care of you