If asked...I'd say mine was pretty good...that is until I read this and I noticed some things about myself.
Do you recognize any similarities between the warning signs and symptoms and how you're feeling lately?
I noticed more than I like to be honest and it's odd because I wouldn't put these feelings off on stress....many of them are what I feel due to my pain and even a brain fog kind of day. But when I really give thought to my life, I can see where some stress has leaked in.
Has stress leaked into your life too? Do you recognize any of the signs and symptoms in your own life? If so...what's causing it? Are there things you can do to change it?
Stress...whether we like it or not...is a part of life. There are good stressors and there are the not so good kind. When you're feeling stressed out what do you do for you? What helps to calm and soothe you? Do you fight for things you can't control in your life? What about the things you can control? What do you do about that?
The thing about stress is that we may not be able to avoid it...but we can learn to let some of it go and we can learn how to help ourselves through it. One thing I've learned about stress is that I may not always be able to control what happens in my life but I can control how I respond to it and that helps to lower some of the stress.
Please take good care of you and your stress.