Well...curious and nosy me now wants to know...did you do it?
- Did you make plans this summer with your family, with your friends, with those that are special in your life...did you spend time with them? what did you do?
- What did you do to help you prepare for your plans?
- What did you bring along with you to help you cope with your pain while you were out and about?
- What did you do for yourself and your needs when you came home and you were hurting for all you've done?
- What words did you use when talking with yourself when feeling your pain? What about those words when your anxiety, depression or even the PTSD said hello? How did you handle that?
- if you haven't made the time yet? I hope these questions will you give you something to think about so you can start making some plans (we can learn to prepare for, manage and even cope with our pain)
- if you took the chance and it didn't go well? give some thought to what you can do the next time to better help yourself (maybe you need more breaks? different coping skills to bring along? what are you telling yourself when you're hurting?)
And if you're sitting back smiling for all you've done this summer...for the memories you've made to carry you through your days....if you're doing what you can as you can, and helping yourself through...GOOD FOR YOU!! I hope you keep doing it.
We can't change that we hurt...BUT...and it's a big one...we can change what we do for ourselves.
PSST! there's still time...what will you do for you now? what plans are you wanting to make? well? go on then! make them, prepare for your pain, bring along what will help you manage and cope with it and go live your life!
take good care of you