And you know what? It's okay to have these needs, to have these thoughts, to feel like everything is just too much, to need to catch your breath...it's okay. Do you know what else is okay?
It's okay if you can't keep it all together. It's okay if you struggle some days. It's okay to hide. It's okay to cry. It's okay! We are only human.
When these days come...what do you do for you? how do you handle them? Do you love and support yourself through these days or do you beat yourself up for feeling this way? What do you do?
thank you S.C. Lourie and Butterflies and Pebbles
So when your human days come...what do you do for you?
Do you...
- talk to yourself with love and encouragement?
- support yourself by taking care of your needs?
- ask for help from those you can count on?
- journal your thoughts and feelings?
- use your coping skills to help you through these days?
Do you...
- beat yourself up for feeling this way using your own words to drag down further?
- ignore yourself and your needs?
- cope by hurting yourself further or using other negative coping skills?
What do you do?
When your human days happen to you...what do you do? We can't stop these days from coming...but we can learn to love and support ourselves through them...there are things we can do for us. I guess my next question is...what will you do now moving forward?
take good care of you please...and remember...YOU are meant to be human...so just love and accept yourself will ya huh?