Do you agree with that? Yes? No? What did you think about when you looked at the meme?
Personally...I think it's true...and I can honestly say I've experienced more than one...and even a few that aren't pictured here...and some in different ways than what is depicted...I've been addicted.
I would even go so far as to say I still am today...but in many ways...my addictions have changed.
No longer do I crave the pills to soothe my pain...I'm addicted to music and my art.
No longer do I hurt myself or leave scars behind...I'm addicted to my walks.
No longer do I beat myself up...I'm addicted to me.
What are you addicted to? What role does it play in your life currently? Is it helpful and healing...or harmful and hurtful...do your addictions leave scars behind?
We all have addictions...it's true...but which ones are you living with and what can you do about them moving forward?
take good care of you okay?
Meme found at Dystopia Inside Me on Facebook