Now that you're living life with a chronic illness whether it's mental or physical...what do you do when...
- When your pain is trying to take control?
- When you have to stop doing a chore because of your pain?
- When you have to cancel plans or when you have to leave early?
- When you can't do what you want to do when you want to do it?
- When thoughts of socializing make you want to hide?
- When others don't understand?
- When you hear things like...just snap out of don't look like you're hurting...or any of the other things you've heard?
- When your doctor doesn't believe you? or says there is nothing more they can do to help you? or says they can't prescribe you certain medications anymore?
- When you struggle to go to work each day?
- When you are unable to work anymore?
- When your thoughts are negative and do you talk to you? how could you change that moving forward? what do you need to hear instead?
- When your body is hurting...what do you do for you?
- When you feel like a burden or a bother?
- When you don't shower for a few days?
- When you can't be bothered to eat?
- When the things you turn to to help you through actually leave scars behind?
- When you need someone to talk to who will understand and support you?
Now that you have all these questions floating through your head...let me ask you a few more....
Actually...let me just repeat the first one....Now that you're living life with a chronic illness whether it's mental or physical...what do you do when...
What do you do when?
Do you have positive coping skills?
Do you soothe and care for your needs?
Do you make your needs a priority in your life?
Do you do the best you can?
Do you talk to yourself with love, support and acceptance?
Do you ask for help when you need it?
What do you do when? I said they were personal and even intrusive questions...but really? what do you do when?
We can't change that we hurt...but we can change what we do about it. If reading these questions bothered you...I do apologize but I hope too that you'll ask yourself why they bothered you and what you can do moving forward to help yourself.
take good care of you please