What thoughts went through your mind as you read this? Is something making you sad? Do you know why you feel this way? Did you give thought to all you want in your life? Did you consider your fear? If you're feeling lost...how do you find yourself again? Hard and personal questions I know...but please do give them some thought okay?
I think life with a chronic illness can be just like this. We're not happy with the way things are now...we want our old lives back. We want things to be different for us but often we're scared. We're scared of the pain, of feeling it, of having to do the work to manage it...we have fears! and they can keep us static in life...stuck.
Have you ever befriended your pain as a way of avoiding doing what you know you need to do? I have and I've done it recently too. And it's not just the physical pain we can fear and avoid either...it's the mental and it's the emotional too. Are you hiding from that also? Is your fear preventing you from living your life the best you can?
Sometimes our fear can keep us stuck and static in life...in our pain...and in the spiral of negativity. Our fear can prevent us from doing what is necessary to find ourselves again. Don't let the fear of your pain prevent you from being your true self...from finding who you are.
My daughter and I have a saying in life...that no matter what comes our way, we will stand together...we will face our fears and we will kick them in the butt. That there is nothing we can't handle...when we stand together.
You are more than your fears and you have a life to live...live it to the best of your abilities each and every day. Stand with your strengths...not your fears.
take good care of you eh?