Living with a chronic illness is a daily battle some days. To battle your thoughts against your body, your body against your thoughts...your thoughts and your body against your reality...its a battle...daily. What we do for us will see us through the daily battle with ourselves, for ourselves.
How do you survive? What do you do to help you get through your days? When your pain is threatening to over take you or has even stolen your do you survive?
The choices we make for ourselves when we are feeling our pain can either empower us through it or it can drag us down further into our rabbit hole of negativity. The choice is ours to make but sometimes we don't always make the best ones...have you ever noticed that in your life? Have you ever done something that you thought would make you feel better, only to later have feelings of guilt for having done what you did? Me too.
Positive Survival Skills
| Negative Survival Skills
take good care of you