When you give thought to the conversations you have...who do you talk to you and how much to do you tell them? Do you have the same conversations with your co-workers as you would your close personal friends? What about the conversations you have with your spouse and your children? Are they the same? Now give thought to a talkative stranger you may meet while in the park walking your dog...what is that conversation like? Nosy question I know but give it some thought.
We have many different conversations throughout our days...and we come across all different kinds of people...but...who do you talk to and how much do you tell them?
Giving the questions some thought...what are your answers and why? Would you share with co-workers like you do close friends? You may have some close work-friends you confide in for some things or you may keep your work and private life separate. What about your partner and kids? Some conversations may be the same, but do you tell your kids everything you tell your partner? Probably not because there are some things kids just don't need to know right?
Who do you talk to and how much do you tell the people you interact with on a daily basis? For me personally...there is a big difference in the conversations I have. For a close and trusted friend I will share the truth of how I'm feeling or about what's going on in my life...but for a perfect stranger or someone I don't know well? then I just don't share personal stuff and I tend to keep it to the basics. I know there are some people I can be open with and I know there are others I can't. There are topics that are "safe" to talk about and there are others that are not. (some painful lessons indeed)
Truth is...who we talk to in our lives and the information we share is different...and sometimes I think we can share and even over share...with the wrong people. Have you ever done that? Have you ever shared something with someone and then regretted it? Have you ever tried and tried and tried to get someone to understand what you're dealing with? Has anything you've shared been used against you later by someone you trusted? Have you ever shared a personal experience and it stopped the conversation?
Truth is...there are some things that are just better left unsaid...or even better yet? shared with the right people...the people who will understand...the people who can help...the people you are close to and personal with...those you can count on. (I think sometimes too...we don't say the things we really need to say to the people who really need to hear it...words like I love you and thank you for being here)
Not everyone will understand and not everyone needs to know...just my opinion.