Are you where you want to be?
What are you doing to get yourself there if you're saying no?
Whatever track you may be on in your life right now, you have the choice to stay or to get up and get moving...and even if you are on the right track...you'll get run over if you just sit there.
Yes things may have happened to you in your life that you are struggling with but you know what? There is not one person in the world that will say they haven't faced something in their life too. You are not alone.
Life happens, it's a human thing.
Things happen to us. Both the good and the bad, that's life. I do realize that there are many things that may have happened in your life too that were beyond your control but still left a hurtful mark in you. But like anything else in life, you have the choice to keep hurting over things that you cannot control or change and that have already happened, or you can say that you are going to do whatever you can so that you can hurt less and get moving on in your life.
Yes things have happened to you. Things have happened to all of us. Some pain we have caused ourselves and some pain has been caused by others in our personal little world. But no matter what the cause of the hurt, we each have a choice to stay hurting and continue to hurt or we can choose to rise above where we've been and create the world we want for ourselves moving forward.
Within you is everything you need to create the life you want for you moving forward. Do you believe that? It's true. You have the strength to make the choices you need for you. The only question I have is will you take the steps you need for yourself so that you can believe it too. I hope you will. Please remember too that our lives are more than just the negativity or the bad things that have happened. Don't forget to give some thought to all the good things that have happened in your life too! Both deserve equal argument in the value of your life's worth which cannot be given to you by anyone but you. You define your worthiness. No one else but YOU.
take good care of you ok?