I bark when I'm angry but hold it in too yes I try
Try as I might I can't keep it lowered
I can get crazier than a drunk even when stone sober
I've battled demons ten times my size
And drowned in the darkest of their lies
Slept like an animal in the winters dead of night
Woke the next day my torment out of sight
I've stared perceived death straight in the face
Then bolted like a wild animal running life's race
A babe at fourteen baring such a heavy seed
Before the age of five they had planted that need
The need to allow the wrongs when I know what is right
And my right to say no..so fucking far outta sight
Learned how to be victim to users of the body & mind
But never did liken them to be really my sort of kind
Suspended in combined times life seems to explain itself to me
Always in riddles & rhymes my mind is never freed
Some scars I bare you see..some that you do not
Regardless where I got them from forget them I will not
They brought me to this moment & show me why I am
And reminds me in times of doubt that yes I fucking can
Get through any troubles..oh yes easily walk on past
Because those shitty moments like my past ones they too will pass
I walk with my head high knowing who I am
I'm'a bum from Manor Park. always where I stand
I'm a west end girl you bet as true blue as I can be
And yes you can bet on this!.. what you get is what you see
MY MINDS EYE a collection of Original poetry by Tammy Lynn Fleet
Check out her page on Facebook