Yesterday, I had planned on throwing myself a rocking F*&K the World Party but my girlfriends had other ideas. I am so lucky and so very blessed to have these two ladies in my life, beside me cheering me on and supporting me no matter what may come. I didn't get the time to feel sorry for myself yesterday and now today I feel a little silly for wanting to isolate myself but it's a pain behaviour that I still work on sometimes.
I know I'll manage whatever comes and I'll be okay too, but some-days it takes a little more time to believe in yourself when you're feeling scared, or knocked around. Take the time to prepare yourself, acknowledge your feelings and then surround yourself with the people who will see you through it.
Life can knock us down, and it can make it seem like we're always struggling, but we have a choice to either lay down and let life happen to us, or we can rise to the challenge and do the best we can with what we have.
i'm getting back up and I'm going to be okay....thank you for your understanding and your patience....take good care of you please