~~Cynthis Occelli~~
YIKES! I'm a hoarder! Now I'm not the kind you'll find on television, but when I read this I knew it! I am a thought hoarder. My mental environment can be packed full like a junk filled garage and there have been times when I was living in squalor. Not a nice mental image is it? nope..it's not...but it was true and still is sometimes. I can admit it...I tend to hold on to my thoughts far longer than I should some days and they can build up.
Do you ever do that? Have you ever struggled to let go of certain thoughts? Do they build up in your mind and create junk-filled garage in your head too? I think this is normal for many of us and some are just better at cleaning out the junk than others. How good are you when it comes to cleaning out the garage in your head? Is it time for some spring cleaning?
If you're saying yes...give some thought to what can you do moving forward to make some space in your head for your creativity...for your dreams...what can you do to empower yourself to heal? what thoughts do you need to clean out?
Now don't forget...it will take time...and you will need your own patience...and you will need to remind yourself too that when your thoughts start building up again that it's time to start cleaning some out....but you can do this. You can make new habits and you can make room.
Clean out the junk filled garage in your mind and take good care of you okay?...it's time.